SLNT Silent Pocket Faraday MULTISHIELD FABRIC - 10 METERS Squared

  • $480.00
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The Tried, Tested and True Silent Pocket® Multishield™ Faraday Material is now available for any of your special DIY Projects! Check out our Instagram page for a tutorial on making your own small Faraday cage. We also recommend the Silent Pocket Multishield faraday tape for your DIY projects.  

This is the material used in the products you have come to know and love from Silent Pocket®.

Make a larger faraday box to secure a generator from an EMP, secure a room, protect your emergency radios, and more!

Blocks Cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, RFID, NFC, Key Fob, 3G,4G, 5G, EMP, and EMF Radiation Protection.
Shielding is MIL‐STD‐188‐125‐2 compliant, based on High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse Protection Testing
Material is folded and sealed in a polybag.

  • 10 meters length x 1.08 meters width

It's in the Details

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