Simple And Effective EMF Reduction Tips

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We are exposed to a lot of EMF radiation from artificial sources — at levels, some say are approximately 10 billion times higher than back in the 1960s.

These EMF radiation levels will likely be thousands if not millions of times higher in just a few decades — unless we decide there's a good reason to control them.

We won't lie. This entire EMF thing will initially feel overwhelming.

At one point, you might even get the intense feeling of impending doom and think the world is terrifying, especially for those very sensitive to electromagnetic fields or small children.

The truth is that the long-term effects of high-frequency signal exposure from sources such as 5G radiation are still unknown because the general public has not been exposed to these types of frequencies for long periods of time.

So until we have more information and research on the possible health effects, the best thing we can do is shield ourselves against it.

But don't freak out just yet. Instead, take a deep breath, smile, and do your best with your knowledge. As they say, knowledge is power!

Armed with the new information in this post and your diligent research, you can reduce your EMF exposure

95% of which can be done for free in just a few minutes. No tinfoil hat is required.

Here is a collection of some of the best ways to protect you and your family from EMF radiation.

Let's get connected.

The entire world is getting connected. 

In India, the world's second most populous country, government census data reveals that more citizens have cell phones (53.2%) than toilets (46.9%), reveals Martin Blank in his book Overpowered. Moreover, it's projected that from 2013 to 2020, the number of tablet users worldwide will go up by 121%.

The number of cellphone users will go up by 82%. 

We sure love our wireless devices. 

As EMF engineer Daniel DeBaun reports in Radiation Nation: "In 2016, The Total Audience Report released by Nielsen showed the average American spent nine or more hours daily using electronic media.

Given that the average human spends seven to nine hours sleep each night, we spend around two-thirds of our waking hours' wired'." Yeah, this sounds about right.

Unsurprisingly, a lot more people are looking to join the EMF party. 

By 2020, an additional 3 to 5 billion people who have never had access to the Internet will go online for the first time, which is good news. Still, all this added wireless traffic requires more cellphone towers, more antennas on those towers, and more WiFi routers. In the US alone, the database Antenna Search identifies more than 1.9 million antennas or cell towers — a number predicted to explode in the next decade. 

But towers are costly and cumbersome, so eight large corporations like Facebook, Samsung, and Google 26 are coming up with creative ways to beam the entire planet with an RF signal.

So let's go to it.

1: First, Eliminate The Source

No matter how many fancy gadgets you use to "harmonise" your cell phone signals or how many fancy iPhone cases you use, not using your cell phone for day-to-day communications will always be the best way to go.

The first way to reduce EMFs in your environment is to eliminate the source. 

For example, you could Turn off the WiFi function on your home router and use a wired connection (remember those?) instead. Problem solved. Switching to using an Ethernet cable instead of WiFi. 

Using only Ethernet may or may not be possible, depending on your situation.

Suppose your computer does not have an Ethernet port. In that case, USB adaptors can be purchased relatively cheaply for laptops, phones, tablets, and other devices, completely removing the need for WiFi.

If this is not possible, turn off the WiFi when not in use, particularly at night.

Ethernet does not broadcast a wireless network making it more secure from wireless attacks.

Many people don't know that you can also go into your router settings and turn down the power it transmits. This can significantly reduce the emf that emanates from the router.

  • Keep personal devices at least 1 foot from your body.
  • Ensure your computer (laptop or desktop) has a grounded 3-prong plug.

  • Reduce your use of Bluetooth devices to a minimum.

Use Wearable's You Can Put On "Airplane Mode."

Manufacturers of health-tracking devices are starting to wake up to consumer demand, and some offer the option to turn off the Bluetooth function inside their products on demand.

It would be best to turn it back on whenever you need to sync your data. This tip will help dramatically reduce your exposure.

2. Maintain a smart distance from your phone, WiFi, and other wireless devices.

We get it, of course. Not using WiFi or your cellphone is not always a feasible option in our hyper-connected society. 

That's where number 2 comes in.

If you can't eliminate the source, increase the distance between the source and your body, and decrease your exposure time as much as possible. For example, spend less time talking on your smartphone and keep the phone at least 1 foot away from your body — using a speakerphone or earbuds with an integrated microphone.

You can also invest in a good pair of air tube headsets 

Wireless headphones and earbuds like Apple AirPods expose your head to too much EMF radiation.

Air tube headsets have a hollow flexible air tube that replaces the wire from your phone to the tiny earpiece. The sound travels through this air tube to your ear, giving you quality sound without exposing you to radiation.

The main idea of using headphones, in general, is to have the phone away from your head at a safe distance while you're using it, dramatically reducing the radiation you expose yourself to. An air tube headset takes this to the next level, further protecting your brain.

The difference is that an air tube headset typically has a part wired component and a section of the hollow flexible air tube replacing the wire. This wire and open tube component transmits the sound from your device (cell phone, mp3 player, or other) to your ear via the hollow tube. The peculiarity of this air tube is that it contains no metal.

Create distance between you and your phone

Check out our previous article on mobile phone radiation

Sometimes it's the simple changes that make all the difference.

Your cell phone or tablet is arguably the worst source of RF radiation in your life because it's so close to your body all the time.

The good news is that unlike all external sources of EMFs like smart meters, cellular antennas, or even public WiFi hotspots — it's also the one you have complete control over.

  • Moving your device 20cm away from your head reduces radiation doses by around 98%. So instead of placing it under your pillow when going to bed, try to leave the phone on your bedside table.
  • Set your device to airplane mode when you don't need access to the Internet
  • Don't carry your phone in your bra. 
  • Put your phone in a Faraday bag 
  • Hands-free and air tube headsets dramatically reduce radiation emissions into the brain.
  • Try not to chat for hours on end or, if you must, get a hands-free kit.
  • It's always sensible to take precautions where children are concerned, as their developing brains and bodies are far more susceptible to radiation effects than adults, absorbing radiation at three times an adult's rate.

3. Shielding

If you can't eliminate the source and are already reducing your exposure by increasing distance and decreasing your time we can, then we can talk about shielding — putting some reflective or absorbent material between you and the source in order to reduce the levels of EMF radiation.

For example, it's a good idea to consider shielding your bedroom walls or windows if there happens to be a smart meter on the other side of the wall which emits constant RF radiation — but only after you've tried getting rid of the meter (the source) by asking your utility company to opt-out.

There are many ways we can shield against emf!

Take advantage of Faraday shielding materials.

RF shielding fabrics and materials are exactly what they sound like. These fabrics are designed specifically to block radio waves to protect yourself or something else from the radiation coming from these devices.

We should also mention that although these fabrics are used to protect against radiation, they are also quite often used to protect personal privacy and in digital forensics to protect devices from tampering and data preservation during forensic examinations. 

For example, many wallets are "RFID" blocking. They help protect your credit cards from radio frequency identification and attacks.

(Yes, these attacks exist in the wild).

One of the most essential tips is to:

Invest in an EMF Meter!

We can't overstate the importance of this one.

Making the invisible visible will help you fine-tune your strategy and bring you peace of mind knowing the levels of EMF around you or in your home, and from there, make the necessary changes to your environment to keep those levels in check.

We hope this quick guide has given you some good strategies and ideas you can implement immediately.

For more information, check out our vast range of EMF products or previous articles on EMF to help educate and protect you and your family.

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