EMP: A Real Threat

Posted by Security Team on

What is an EMP?

An invisible force capable of destroying all electronic devices in its way, from smartphones and laptops to whole city power grids, sounds like something right out of a science fiction film. But this phenomenon is genuine, known as an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) or transient electromagnetic disturbance (TED). 

And it can be weaponized to fry every electrical system.

A burst of electromagnetic radiation can shut down or destroy electronic devices. EMP attacks can come from natural sources like the sun or artificial sources, like nuclear explosions. Depending on their strength, EMP attacks can cause many problems.

Types of EMP

There's quite a lot of misconception about preparing for an EMP attack, probably because it can be a highly technical subject and because there's more than one kind of EMP. Some EMP activity is trivial, for example, electrostatic discharge and the pulses of electrical motors. 

Most people think of an EMP event as something with far more power and geographical impact, but even that comes in several types.

Electromagnetic pulses are either natural (solar flares, lightning) or artificial (nuclear bombs). 


E1 (a high-speed electromagnetic pulse of gamma rays), 

E2 (an intermediate-speed pulse of gamma rays)

E3 (a significantly slow but prolonged electromagnetic pulse)


E1 has the most significant electrical charge and is responsible for destroying electric circuits and electronic devices. 

E2 is similar to an electromagnetic pulse caused by lightning. 

Finally, E3 is caused by the impact of an enormous nuclear explosion or solar pulse on the Earth's magnetic field, which can lead to hazardous damage to the electric circuits.

EMPs can be weaponized to disable electricity grids and devices within a targeted geographic area. 

Artificial EMPs can be created in two ways: Non-nuclear nuclear blasts and non-explosive EMP weapons.

Non-explosive EMP weapons such as Boeing's Counter-Electronics High Power Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP) have proven their immense destructive abilities in real-world attacks.

How real of a threat?

A few scenarios exist.

The short answer to the question 

What is the greatest EMP threat? 

Is it either a super-solar event or a rogue state with HEMP attack capabilities? 

It's generally considered that a massive solar storm, triggered by an unusually active period of solar flares or coronal mass ejection (CME), like the one that occurred in 1894, would have the power to produce an EMP event.

The real threat comes after an EMP occurs.

After food, water, and fuel supplies deplete due to the loss of power at drinking water plants and the inability to produce and ship food across the country. 

A shutdown of communications would likely cause great panic among the populace. Social unrest and looting of stores are also possible consequences of losing power.

A rogue state having the necessary technological advancement (nuclear weaponry, missiles) has the technical capability to deliver an EMP attack. Still, their present level of development makes it improbable. The key to making this assessment is the requirement for a bomb capable of delivering a HEMP capable of 100 kilotons (enough to do serious damage to a large area) and delivering it accurately to a high-altitude location (requiring long-range missiles that could penetrate defensive shields).

Are you protected?

EMP-resistant devices are less susceptible to EMP encounters, but all equipment can be affected. 

If you can, unplug your devices and place them in a Faraday bag or cage. A Faraday bag is a container that prevents EMP attacks from affecting sensitive electronic components, including bursts of electromagnetic energy and geomagnetic storms.

Faraday bags and cages provide shielding from EMP radiation. 

You use them as a substitute shield for electronic devices to block EMP damage from EMP bursts. 

A Faraday bag is a bag made of metalized fabric. The metalized material blocks electromagnetic fields, which makes the bag resistant to EMP. This means that the EMP can't fry your vital electrical devices.

Faraday materials, from bags to boxes, are a practical solution.

Unfortunately, there is not much you can do can prevent an EMP from destroying the power grid. But you can protect all the electronics connected to the mains by installing sensitive surge and transient current cut-offs or suppressors.


By storing them in a faraday bag, you can protect handheld devices like tablets, laptops, and smartphones while traveling or vital communications equipment for long-term storage.

EMPs can also damage solar panels. If you have solar panels, you may want a way to protect them from EMP attacks. 

The ideal way to do this is to invest in a Faraday bag specifically designed for solar panels, invest in solar panels and inverters with EMP protection built in, or purchase EMP purpose-built surge protectors.



If you've ever considered planning for any emergency or disaster, EMP privacy protection is something to consider. 

Prepping for adversity is far from crazy. 

It's a rational approach to an uncertain environment and threatening circumstances.

The rate of harm caused by an EMP attack is often significantly underestimated.

Fortunately, EMP solutions are starting from inexpensive to pricey that you can employ right now, thus enabling you to protect against EMP attacks regardless of the situation.

Remember to check out our vast range of EMP solutions in our store.





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