The Tried, Tested and True Silent Pocket® Multishield™ Faraday Tape to seal your Multishield™ Faraday Material is now available for any of your special DIY Projects!
This tape will ensure a complete Faraday Cage Closure and give you the Privacy, Security, and Health you have been looking for!
Check out our Instagram page for a tutorial on making your own small Faraday cage. We also recommend the Silent Pocket Multishield faraday fabric for your DIY projects.
Make a larger faraday box to secure a generator from an EMP, secure a room, protect your emergency radios, and more!
- Dimensions: 1 inch x 10 Feet Long
- 1 Silent Pocket® Multishield® Faraday Tape
- Blocks Cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, RFID, NFC, Key Fob, 3G,4G, 5G, EMP, and EMF Radiation Protection.
- Shielding is MIL‐STD‐188‐125‐2 compliant, based on High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse Protection Testing
- Sealed tape roll in a box with moisture packet
-™ lost and found recovery service included